Aside from gold cost, each unit has four stats:
Health: How many hits a unit can take before dying
- The health of each piece is tracked and will never recover on its own after taking damage
Movement: How many spaces a unit can move each turn
- Each unit can move in any orthogonal direction, and in any combination, but only up to as many blocks as their Movement Stat dictates. Direct diagonal movement is not allowed. Moving to a square directly diagonal to a unit’s starting point essentially requires 2 movement cost.
- A unit cannot move into or through a space occupied by another unit, whether friendly or foe. This will also apply to future, possible implementations of field obstacles, such as boulders.
Blindspot: Spaces adjacent to a unit on which it cannot attack
- The area WITHIN a unit’s range it CANNOT attack a unit
- Archers have a massive attack range of 3 squares, but a blindspot of 2, meaning units closer than exactly 3 squares away from the archer cannot be targeted
Range: How many spaces from itself a unit can attack
- Even if there are multiple enemies within the range of a unit, it can only attack one target at a time.
- The different kind of attack range patterns are as such, with more planned to be added in the future:
- Cross - can target units perpendicular
- Square - can target units surrounding (the counting of a square attack range starts perpendicularly, then fills up all spaces in between)
- Diagonal - can target units in an X pattern from itself
Unit Attack Ranges and Blindspots