1️⃣ After the Preparation Phase is complete, the game proceeds into the Combat Phase

Lancer attack (2).png

The image above summarizes the rules of combat. In the case of a Lancer, it can attack 3 spaces ahead, but only in a cross pattern. In addition, it cannot attack units directly adjacent to it.

2️⃣ Each player can only move one unit per turn, and attack once per turn. Starting player is up to a coin flip.

  1. Each player turn consists of one Move Opportunity, and one Attack Opportunity
  2. The player can choose which one to use at any given time (i.e. they can attack first, then move, or vice versa), but BOTH Movement and Attack Opportunities must be expended on the same unit.
  3. Movement only takes place in one instance, meaning if a player’s Footsoldier (with a Movement Stat of 3) decides to only move 2 blocks, this is valid, but will result in the 3rd block movement being forfeited.
  4. The player can also choose to not use either opportunity, but this will automatically be forfeited once the turn is over. The player may also opt to completely skip their turn.
  5. Players, by default, have 45 seconds to use their Movement and Attack Opportunities. Once 30 seconds is over, any unused opportunity is forfeited.
  6. If a player fails to make an input within 45 seconds, any attempts to make an input past this timer will automatically be rejected. In consideration of blockchain transaction latency, a grace period of up to 10-15 seconds for processing can take place between turns if, a player’s input takes place at the last possible second.

attack range v2.gif

attack kill.gif

The image above shows, in the case of a Footsoldier, where it can possibly move (in orange), as well as where it can attack from its current position (in red). The Footsoldier can move ONCE to any block within the orange areas.

3️⃣ Implementing this onchain means all moves, stats, and unit positions are recorded and validated as transactions.

This means that every single interaction is both verified and recorded in a blockchain, insuring the integrity of each moment of combat.